Way back when, my 7th Grade English Teacher said, "to be a great writer, you have to write everyday." Well, I've been a bit neglectful of my blog these past few months, instead trading in reviews and recipes for press releases and Facebook updates. But, now that I'm starting a new job and have moved 5+ hours away from all my loved, I figured now's as good a time as any to get back at it. Plus, having an outlet to go to will force me from spending all my free time nestled on the couch watching Netflix.
Roo and I have been North Carolina gals for a full week now. Most of it's been spent unpacking boxes and waiting on technicians, but thank goodness we're all settled in. She's anxiously awaiting our next walk to Downtown Rockingham, while I'm a bit nervous about my first day at the new job.
For as long as I can remember, I've always had it in my mind that 24 to 27 would just be "The Perfect Age." It'd be the time in my life that I'd look back at 50 years from now and say, "wow; now that's when life really got started." Why? I'm done with school, work in a profession that's applicable to my degree and have enough money in my back account to buy a new pair of boots. Call me crazy, but if that's not living, what is? So, I think it's a bit fortuitous that I'm starting a new job in a new state on my 24th Birthday.
Thank you GAP for always providing me with the perfect red and navy dresses. |
So, here's to you 24, with all awkward handshakes and get to know you name games, I'm sure it's going to be great!
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