Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Other Macon Momma

Today, for the first time I attended a friend's wedding; a friend who's only two years older than me might I add.  Personally, I don't plan on getting married until I'm at least 27, but that's just me.  As soon as we walked into the church,  Mrs. Robin waved us over to sit with her.  It turns out my mom, sister and I took her husband and son's seats, but I'm glad we got to catch up with her during the 14-bridesmaids-processional.  After the I Do's, we headed to the reception where Mrs. Robin gave me the low-down on her many New York City trips.  

First off, let me tell you a little bit about the fabulous Robin Spence (now, I'm completely aware this posting is slightly creeper, but oh well).  Well, for starters I absolutely love her.  She's stuck in a house with three manly men, but she's the one who seems to make all the decisions.  In fact, her husband and son had to leave the reception early because he needed to go to the grocery store and fix her dinner before she got home.  Her only relief from all the testosterone raging through her house is her little dog Tipper.  Not only is Tipper spoiled rotten, but she also has a facebook page that's updating quite frequently.  
Mrs. Spence and All Her Men (Plus Pooch Tipper)
As I munched on wedding mints and vegetables, she described this Southern man she met during her latest extravaganza to the big city.  His name is John Davenport; he's 26, and he works at Barclays capital in the Time Square area.  Apparently, we've perfect for each other.  

Because my sister and I's move-in dates are the same this year, Mrs. Spence even volunteered to take me to my new apartment in China Town.  If things don't work out with my dad, I'm sure she'd be an excellent backup plan!  I'm just excited for our dinner date; we've decided that she's going to join the three girls from my house for a dishing and dessert discussion.  

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