Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

As I'm sure many people realize, July 4th isn't just a day for hot dog eating contests and fireworks.  It's a celebration of freedom; it reminds us of our independence from Great Britain and commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

And, for me, it also brings about family festivities.  This past weekend, my dad and I made the five-hour drive to St. Augustine for my cousin's graduation cookout.  After a spectacular fireworks show on Friday night, my cousins and I spent Saturday grilling chicken, sitting poolside, and listening to stories from our parents' glory days.  I got back to Macon late last night, and my mom and I spent today in the kitchen.

 With our 3 containers of Strawberries, 8 Tomatoes, 2 bags
of grapes,Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, and
Watermelon,  there's no doubting our love
for Fruits and Vegetables.
Since my return to the South, each time I ask my mom for some fruits or veggies from our grocery store, she reluctantly purchases them.  She says July 4th marks the point of perfection on the ripeness scale, so I've been counting down the days until I could have a decent tomato.  So, our first stop on our shopping trip today was to a roadside stand.  For only $8 we bought peaches, blackberry jam and my favorite summer vegetable.  They were the starting ingredient in our dinner dish.  Paired with heavy whipping cream, eggs, swiss cheese, and pie crust, they made the most delicious tomato quiche.  Our Independence Day Dinner also consisted of fruit salad, fried chicken, corn and muffins.  For dessert, I helped Momma make delicious homemade strawberry ice cream, served in red bowls to increase our festivities factor.
Delicious Dinner 
Notice our Patriotic Muffins
I'm a little sad that my long weekend's up, and I'm forced to begrudgingly return to work tomorrow.  I just hope there's something newsworthy to report.  But, for now I think I'll go fix myself another helping of dessert, snuggle with my puppies and finish reading my new book, The Little Women Letters.

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