Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Posing Pictures

I feel bad for my friends, I really do.  

They're constantly indulging in my weird reporter whims, listening to package pitches, and feeding me sources.  Every now and then, they're even the subject of my story.  For instance, my weekly journalism assignment was to examine photography from the lens of a photo shoot.  For this time only, candid closeup were exchanged for posed pictures. 

Thank goodness, my friend Claire volunteered to be my guinea pig! 
Claire's constantly the crafter, so we began our shot at Purl Soho. 
She really is quite the knitter, making everything from scarves and sweaters to headbands and stuffed animals.
Plus, Claire has the best fashion sense.  During the winter it's all about handcrafted knitted accessories, felted bags, and boots.
And, in the summer, it's usual to see her donning floppy straw hats, sun dresses, and awesome fox-themed jewelry.  
This picture was taken on the sly.  We were walking down Canal, and I snapped this photo simply because I liked the natural lighting. 
And, like all good college students, a Starbucks cup is always found in her hand. 
And there you have it, my first attempt at posing pictures.  Honestly, it's a lot harder than the pros make it seem.  I think I'll stick to capturing candids, for now at least.  

1 comment:

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