Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Closest Thing to an Afternoon in the South

In honor of Black History month, Gramercy had this awesome program where you could pay just $10 to see Memphis, the Broadway musical.  Even though, midterms are approaching and I have mounds of work, I couldn't pass up an opportunity like that.  Plus, it was great motivation yesterday-I actually got all my required homework out of the way in just a matter of 10 hours.

But anyways, back to Memphis.  Overall, the show was really great. The singers were wonderful and the costumes were beautiful.  I just have one critique...Huey, the lead actor, had the most annoying voice.  For his opening appearance, he walked into a bar, so I just figured he was drunk.  But his accent just stayed like that throughout the entire play.   I'm not quite sure if he was supposed to be a country bumpkin or what, but seriously that gives the South a bad name.  The girl beside, who knows I'm originally from GA, asked me if that was how everyone spoke.  Tsk tsk.

Really though, it was well worth the $10, even though our seats were literally the very last row in the theatre.  It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon.  Plus I got to get a little dressed up, nothing too fancy, but putting on a dress after the blistering chills from this week was such a nice change.  Unfortunately, I completely blew this whole trying to eat healthy kick I'd started.  The theatre was right by Junior's. Their sign says it all:  Most Fabulous Cheesecake and Dessert.

As for the rest of my evening, I need to read a good chunk of Jon Savage's Teenage:  The Creation of Youth Culture.  My goal is to have all my books read for my internship paper before I come back from spring break ( 4 down, 6 more to go).  And of course, it's the Oscars tonight, so I want to catch a little bit of that.  

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